In college, I completed a dual degree program and majored in both chemical engineering and music (plus a minor in computer science!). My favorite class was probably my senior chemical engineering lab, where we got to work with miniature distillation columns, heat exchangers, batch reactors, and more. It was exactly what I had pictured being a scientist would look like, right down to the lab coats, goggles, and practical shoes. I'm currently pursuing a career in classical music, but I really missed using the STEM side of my brain and tutoring has been a great way for me to exercise those skills. I've worked with kids in a variety of roles in the past, but I've found that high school is a really special time because each student grows so much both in their studies and as a person in the span of just one school year. I'm currently tutoring students in math, physics, and chemistry, but calculus is always my favorite subject to tutor because it opens up so many possibilities of what math can do.
In my free time, I love to take the dog for long walks at Turkey Hill or Wompatuck, try out new coffee shops, or go out for a bike ride. I recently got the opportunity to travel to South Africa for two weeks on an orchestra tour, where we got to play 7 concerts in 5 cities as well as play with local young musicians in every city we visited. With all that traveling done this summer, I am ready to settle into the new school year this fall and am really looking forward to meeting my new students and working with previous ones again.